Take 52: 2015

Because creating a food photo blog wasn't going to take up enough of my time, I decided to participate in another project to further my photography skills.

On this page I will post the photo of the week that I have chosen to represent the weekly theme.  So if you don't like what's for dinner pop over here and check out the theme of the week.

Review End Review:
2015 was a year of learning when it came to my DSLR.  I discovered that I have a distinct style when it comes to processing photos, I don't like photographing people and it is very time consuming.  It has been a lot of fun --- I missed 9 weeks in total because I was not inspired that week or I was too busy.

I think I will stick with it for 2016, because I really like the CHALLENGE.

Happy New Year and all the best for 2016.

Week 52: Finale

The last part of a piece of music, a performance, or a public event, especially when particularly dramatic or exciting.

OR in this case the final story in a Treasury of Literature for Children.  A book given to me by my mom 30 years ago this Christmas.

Week 51: Jolly
Mr. & Mrs. Clause = Jolly
Mrs. Clause is definitely JOLLY in this ceramic figurine that is over 30 years old (made by my mom).

Week 50: Treasure
Christmas Ornament: A Treasure from 1988
Look at this treasure from 1988.

Week 49: Anticipation
Paleo Trail Mix

I am anticipating how delicious this paleo trail mix will taste!

Week 48: Enough
Wine Cork Snowmen
Have I made ENOUGH snowmen yet???  What to do with wine corks...

Week 47: Freeze
Shawn --- Freezing a moment in time.
This is a moment frozen and I am sure y husband was asked to Freeze for this picture many years ago.

Week 46: Silent
Missed photo this week.

Week 45: Smell
Manhole cover to city sewer
Pretty sure it is stinky down there!

Week 44: Branch
Pinecone on a BRANCH

Week 43: Disguise
Missed photo this week.

Week 42: Myth
Missed photo this week.

Week 41: Light
Etobicoke Creek, Toronto, Ontario
From darkness into the light

Week 40: Fall
Etobicoke Creek, Toronto, Ontario
Autumn in Toronto

FALL-en Leaves
Week 39: Change
Missed photo this week.

Week 38: Sharp
Missed photo this week.

Week 37: Run
Missed photo this week.

Week 36: Hands
That was delicious
Week 35: Creature
Toronto's Wildlife
This guy was a friendly little creature.

Week 34: Cool
Missed photo this week.

Week 33: Right
Missed photo this week.

Week 32: Perspective
Etobicoke Creek in Autumn 2015
A slightly different perspective compared to Week 2 --- from Winter to Autumn.

Week 31: Team
Missed photo this week.

Week 30: Compassion
2015 United Way Peel Region Mural
sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others

There is a lot of compassion in our community.  I was privileged to be the Vice-Chair of Suncor's Ontario United Way Campaign.  As part of the Peel Region 2015 Campaign Kick-off, we took part in painting this mural at the Mississauga Valley Community Centre.  I am so fortunate to work for a company that values giving back to the community.

Week 29: Step
Leviathan at Canada's Wonderland
I pity the person that has to climb all these steps when the rollercoaster breaks down.

Week 28: Fun
Candy Store at Canada's Wonderland
It is a lot of fun being in a Candy Store.

Week 27: Strategic
There must have been some strategy to bring this dragon to the ground.

Week 26: Proud
Canada's Wonderland
Proud...no need to say anything more.

Week 25: Float
We thought we were going to float away after many days of rain.

Week 24: Cracked

The corks of many cracked (and finished) bottles of wine.

Week 23: Together
We were so happy to have our family visit this weekend for the unveiling of our new patio.  My mom gave me these beautiful Gerbera Daisies when we got TOGETHER.

Week 22: Hostile:

This fire is certainly hostile, but it keeps me warm!

Week 21: Service
Our patio is now in full service.  Looking forward to spending many nights out here.

Week 20: Selfie
I dislike photos of myself, especially selfies.
This is my reflection in the patio door.
Not perfect, but meets the theme.
Week 19: Nighttime
Grillin' in the Nighttime
Week 18: Path
Pathway on the 1st Tee - BGC
This is the pathway on the 1st tee at Brampton Golf Club.

Week 17: Spin
Spin - 18th Tee at BGC
This guy will definitely spin once I hit my tee shot!

Week 16: Wet
WET-Land - 6th Hole at BGC
A view of the bullrushes and pond (at little WET-Land) on the 6th hole at Brampton Golf Club.

Week 15: Endless
Endless Fairway - 4th Hole BGC
Golf season is in full swing.  No pun intended.  This fairway is ENDLESS.  A tough par 4 for the ladies at 355 yards with a little dog leg right.  Now that the golf season has arrived, I intend to turn every week's theme into a golf photo.  We will see how that goes!

Week 14: Blossom
Blossoms - Sheridan Nursery
No blossoms here, so we had to make a trip to the greenhouse.

Week 13: Silly
Good Friday 2015 - Abby playing in the mud puddle!
Week 12: Event
Pinehurst Golf Academy
What an amazing "EVENT", attending Pinehurst Golf Academy.  The golf professionals were amazing.  I came away with a new golf swing, grip and putting stroke.  And I sort of look like a golfer now.  The icing on the cake....my friend and I tied for the "Most Improved Swing".  Either we worked really hard or really sucked to begin with.  I like to think that we worked really hard.

Week 11: Green
Putter Boy - Pinehurst, North Carolina
Ok...I am finally getting caught up.  I was away on vacation when I came across this little GREEN Putter Boy (it is actually a sundial).  An icon of golf and Pinehurst since the late 1800's.  He is made of copper and has tarnished to a GREEN colour over the years.  Also, you can see the putting GREEN in the background.

Week 10: Backward
Foreground Image +
Background Image =
This Image = BACKWARD
WOW...I though last week was hard.  Well this didn't turn out exactly as I wanted.  But I am a noob to Photoshop, so this is the best it gets based on my current skill level.

The background image is 5 years old (backward in time).  It is looking back (backward) on the 17th green.  And Shawn is putting backward toward the hole (a photo I took this morning in our basement).

I clipped Shawn from the image shot in the basement and added him to the background.  I added an aged look (also backward in time).  I couldn't (for the life of me) get him to look more realistic.  It is a learning process.  This is my first attempt at merging two images.

I hope that in the future I can look backward on this photo and realize how far I will have come with my Photoshop skills.

Week 9: Market
Who is the MARKET for new shoes?
Each week gets more difficult with both the theme and processing.  Having just started CrossFit, I was in the MARKET for some CrossFit shoes!

Week 8: Awake
Nature is Awake
This week's theme was very challenging..I was very busy all week long and only just had a chance to reflect on the theme early this morning.  My initial thought was "Nature is Awake".  But looking at all these ducks, they are most certainly AWAKE.

Week 7: Round

Knight of the ROUND Table
Well, I sought a lot of input on this week's theme and had ideas ranging from round of golf to round of boxing, round robin, round golf ball......and so on.  While cleaning up after dinner tonight, I mention the theme to Shawn and he said "Knight of the ROUND Table".  So this week, Sir McQuaig was my subject and he participated marvellously!

Week 6: Kiss
Hershey Kisses - Lobby of Hotel Irvine
These Hershey Kisses were in the Lobby of Hotel Irvine the day the Weekly Challenge was announced.  I snapped my pic and then they were gone!

Week 5: Against
Footprints in the sand - Balboa Pier Newport Beach, CA
So many options for the theme against....I settled on Sea against Sand!

Week 4: Glass
Light Fixture at Peddler's Fork
Wow....I really struggled with this one.  But this light was pretty cool.  On arrival in Calabasa, CA, we walked to the Peddler's Fork for lunch.

Week 3: Entrance
Beneath Newport Beach Pier
Entrance to the sea below the Newport Beach Pier.

Week 2: Local

Etobicoke Creek Toronto, Ontario
In the heart of Toronto is Etobicoke Creek (OK --- maybe not the heart, but it is still in Toronto).  It is amazing that in the middle of the hustle and bustle you can find serenity!

Week 1: Beginning

New Year's Eve Dinner Prep
I chose this picture because I like the contrasting colours and of shallow depth of field.  It was one of the first photos posted to launch this Blog: A new beginning for me in 2015.

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