Been on a bit of a hiatus...

Well it has been a busy couple of months since I have been in the kitchen blogging.  It was a super busy March and April and now that May is almost done BBQ season is in full swing (not that it actually ever stops, but it is much nicer with a glass of wine in hand on the patio than having to shovel a path to the BBQ).

So.....for the summer I am taking a break from the weekly blog, but will post pics and recipes when I can.

Golf (at the Brampton Golf Club) cutting into my blogging time!

Until Autumn rolls around, enjoy the rest of Spring and Summer!!!

On the menu for the Queen Victoria's Birthday:
  • Striploin charred on the Sizzle Zone
  • Grilled veggies
  • Garlic sautéed shrimp
No receipes this time is pretty straightforward.  GRILL EVERYTHING!!!

Napoleon Sizzle Zone in Action

A little more rare than I would like, but it was still good!
Shawn's Shrimp

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