Another attempt at fish...SWORD FISH

I can't believe our last post was in July when we attempted haddock.  I don't like food from the sea, but Shawn insisted (as did the Fish Monger) that Sword Fish tastes like steak (yah right)...

Well I can assure you, it indeed tastes like meat rather than fish.  Although I would compare it to wild boar or pork rather than beef.  It is definitely going into the rotation!

Sword Fish from Angelos Waterfront Seafood Market
One the menu:
  • Swordfish
  • Roasted Zucchini 
  • Roasted Sweet Potato

First attempt at Haddock....

Shawn was craving haddock after a trip to Vancouver, so we tried it out.  Used Tempura batter and deep fried it.  Four days later the house still smells of deep fried fish.  Next time we will do this on the BBQ.

Happy Birthday Shawn (And Queen Victoria)

Although we celebrated the Queen's Birthday on Monday, she was actually born on May 24, 1819.  My husband was born many decades later!

Inspired by our friend Emily, we attempted wild boar chops.  They were amazing.  Boar...the other, other white meat.

A meal fit for a King (Shawn) and Queen:
  • Wild Boar
  • Corn on the cob
  • Loaded baked potato
  • Garlic sautéed shrimp
Grillin' the Wild Boar

Been on a bit of a hiatus...

Well it has been a busy couple of months since I have been in the kitchen blogging.  It was a super busy March and April and now that May is almost done BBQ season is in full swing (not that it actually ever stops, but it is much nicer with a glass of wine in hand on the patio than having to shovel a path to the BBQ).

So.....for the summer I am taking a break from the weekly blog, but will post pics and recipes when I can.

Golf (at the Brampton Golf Club) cutting into my blogging time!

Until Autumn rolls around, enjoy the rest of Spring and Summer!!!

On the menu for the Queen Victoria's Birthday:
  • Striploin charred on the Sizzle Zone
  • Grilled veggies
  • Garlic sautéed shrimp
No receipes this time is pretty straightforward.  GRILL EVERYTHING!!!

Napoleon Sizzle Zone in Action