A great day for pizza on the BBQ!

On the menu tonight...homemade pizza on the BBQ.  It is a balmy -4 °C (feels like -11 °C with the windchill), so why not?

My husband will have to sufficiently burn-off the fat/grease from last night's dinner --- Tomahawk Steaks before we put the pizza on the BBQ.  Those babies were delicious.  If you want to see what I am talking about click here.

Back in July 2014, I had the unfortunate incident of making a pizza on the BBQ a day following a Tomahawk feast.  I didn't think it was possible for pizza crust to get that black --- like I mean tar-black.  Shawn and I ate the toppings, but our nieces (Lochlyn and Ella-Rose) were not so inclined.  So being the awesome aunt that I am....offered to make them hot dogs, except there was only one left.  Ok, so we aren't use to having people in the house beside ourselves...so ice cream for dinner it was!  I said I was awesome right???

Ok, back to tonight's dinner --- Meatatarian Pizza (yes that is correct)!

I don't think I need to provide instructions on how to make a pizza, so this is what she was topped with:
  • ground beef
  • sauteed onions
  • salami
  • ham
  • bacon
  • pepperoni
  • mozarella cheese
  • cheddar cheese

She turned out fabulous (and not burnt!).

Using bread flour will provide a crispier crust

Yes --- I cooked the bacon in the microwave (less mess)

Prepped and ready for the BBQ

On the BBQ

And she is done!

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